
Multimorbidity and Polypharmacy; Current and future perspectives on the management of Polypharmacy by Fixed-dose Combination therapy

 Statement of the Problem: By empowerment of medical science, the mortality rate has been decreased significantly and population has aged. Therefore the co-existence of 2 or more chronic disease has become prevalence in this population. This condition can in­crease the complexity of therapeutic management for both health care professionals and patients. The use of multiple medications known as Polypharmacy is common in elderly population. For in­stance, one third of all deaths globally are as a result of cardiovas­cular disease. Lately, by increasing number and diversity of phar­macologic agents available, health care professionals have a lot of medications options, which can lead to Polypharmacy. Although Polypharmacy is inevitable in most common morbidity cases but it can increase the chance of drug-drug interactions, drug-disease interactions and medical costs. One potentional solution to man­age this issue is the use of fixedâ?dose combination (FDC) agents, in which two or more drugs are present in a single pill or capsule known as Pollypil.

Author(s): Alireza Nateghi Baygi

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