
Managing Low Back Pain: Attitudes and Treatment Preferences of Physical Therapists in Chennai

Background: Physiotherapy is commonly used in the management of low back pain it will show how the therapist assesses and treat the low back pain condition in Chennai. One more focus of this project is to find out how much a therapist thinks the treatments is effective. Objective: To determine the Attitudes and Treatment Preferences of Physical Therapists in Chennai in Managing Low Back Pain. Study design: Non-experimental study. Subjects: 91 therapists were included in the study these therapists were from Chennai all of them were practicing therapist many therapists were excluded because they were not practicing now or not in Chennai. Intervention: 91 therapists were interested to join the survey and they replied to the questioner some by the online form others by the written forms. Outcome measure: The method of evaluation by the therapists and treatment by the therapist and effectiveness of various treatments. Results: Result have shown that result show that history taking was the most preferred thing for the assessment then based on history the assessment is totally dependent greater preference is given to the treatments like teaching the patients about the mistakes he have done, strengthening, stretching, and exercises, in modality IFT is most common treatment preferred by the therapist for low back pain. Conclusion: Treatment by the IFT, exercise and education of body mechanics is the most preferable treatment and history posture palpation is the best assessment given by the therapist.

Author(s): Sankarganesh A*, Jibin Jacob and VPR Siva Kumar

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