
Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Adults

Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) is defined as a state of severe uncontrolled diabetes that requires emergency treatment with insulin and intravenous fluids. Biochemically it is defined as:

•             Serum ketones>5meq/L

•             Blood Glucose level > 250mg/dl

•             Blood PH<7.2

•             Bicarbonate level <18meq/L

Diabetic ketoacidosis accounts for 14% of all hospital admissions of patient with Diabetes and 16% of all diabetes related fatalities. The Overall Mortality rate of DKA is 02-2% being highest at the developed countries. The most common cause is infection which accounts for 30-50%, inadequate insulin treatment which is 20- 40% and lastly Myocardial infarction which accounts to 3 -6 %.Patient usually resembles symptoms and signs of dehydration

Author(s): Mubarak Zainelabdin

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