ISSN : 2347-5447

British Biomedical Bulletin


Isolation of Native Goat Spermatogonial Cells and Co-culture with Sertoli Cells

Isolating and co-culturing of native goat spermatogonial cells with Sertoli cells was the aim of this study. Stem cells are very important in medical, biological, veterinary and animal researches. There are different types of stem cells but through of them, spermatogonial cells are special because they are only cells in male body that can transport genetic information to next generation. Sertoli cells are a kind of cells that support spermatogonial cells. For producing of recombinant proteins, goat is one of the suitable domestic animals. In this study two month age native male kids were used to isolate stem cells. Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM) was enriched with 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS). The viability of cells was evaluated after isolation and co-culture steps. In this paper morphological differentiation and immunocytochemistry tests were used to identify of cells. Anti-vimentin and anti-Oct-4 immunocyto-chemical staining method identified Sertoli cells and SSCs, respectively. The number of spermatogonial colony and their area were evaluated by scaled lens. Finally, native goat spermatogonia were isolated and cultured using co-culture method with Sertoli cells.

Author(s): Masomeh Mohebbi and Gholamali Moghaddam

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