ISSN : 2347-5447
Microfluidic device applications are widely implemented research and development in last few years . MEMS technology have extensively involved in design and application of microfluidics pressure sensor with wide range of healthcare application , biomedical device , 3D chemical sensing[, and PCB based device . The different types of microfluidic sensor are designed to control fluid properties and characterization for drug delivery, DNA blood processing , wearable tactile sensor , and monitoring of finger motion .
The proposed work design and simulation of integrated micro cantilever across a microchannel to analysis the fluid behavior of with respect to movement of microcanitlever. A finite element method analysis fluid structure interaction and calculate the microfluidic pressure for various types of fluid. A mcirocantilever deflection calculate under different fluid flow at constant flow rate. The design of intergrated mcirocantilever across a microchannel is based on material of fluid and geometric dimensions.The result revealed that compare with the finite element method base model that is designed and analyzed prior to simulation. The various fluid are acetone, ethyl achol, and benzene, chloroform, and water flow across a rectangular microchannel where rectangular microcantilever is fixed at the center. The fluid flow rate kept a constant i.e. 4.33 cm/sec , length and height of microchannel are 400um and 150um respectively .
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