First 1000 days is a tremendous period of opportunity of a human baby’s life. This is the period which starts from pregnancy (conception) and continues till the second Birthday of the baby. This period is the time when a baby’s brain grows more quickly than at any other time of life. The way the brain moulds and adapts to its environment during this time contributes to the sort of person the baby will grow into. The determinants for the brain growth during this period are as follows: • Healthy food • Loving relationship • Safety and security • Time to play • Healthy womb and outside environment To raise a healthy brain the nutrients which are most important: Protein, Zinc, Iron Choline, Folate, Vitamin A, D, B6, B12, Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid. After birth exclusive breast feeding is very important for proper brain growth. If nutrients are deficient during this period, later replenishment will not make up the brain growth and plasticity deficit. Child and adult health risks, including obesity, hypertension, and diabetes, may be programmed by nutritional status during this period. Stress free pregnancy and peaceful home environment is also very important for proper brain growth. Loving, secure relationships are vital for a child's development. It's through their relationships that babies learn to think, understand, communicate, show emotions and behave. Studies show that countries that don’t invest in the well-being of women and children in the first 1,000 days lose economic to productivity and need higher health costs. So it is of utmost importance to invest in first 1000 days to build up a healthy nation.