
Healing from Trauma and Rewiring the Brains

Traumatic stressors, including early trauma, engender posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Indeed, stress culminating from traumatic occurrences precipitates a plethora of physiopathological and psycho-emotional outcomes (Iribarren, Prolo, Neagos, & Chiappelli, 2005). Traumatic stress variously affects brain structure and function (Bremner, 2006). The brain areas implicated with trauma include the hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex; these regions play a central role in stress response. Preclinical studies reveal that trauma disproportionately impacts the hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex, which perform vital functions in memory, reinforcing the robust association between memory and trauma response (Bremner, 2006). Studies show that PTSD alters the three brain areas (Bremner, 2006). Since treatments for curing PTSD promote neurogenesis, foster memory, and augment hippocampal volume, they can help rewire the brain following a traumatic incident. Moreover, individuals with traumatic childhood experiences develop personality disorders in adulthood, with their hallmark entailing rigid, negative behavior patterns. Research shows that specific interventions leveraging neuroplasticity can alter those comportments and increase behavior adaptability and flexibility (Williams-Carter, n.d.). Deploying the cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which encompasses psychoeducation, exposure, and relaxation and affective modulation skills, can help rewire the brain. Specifically, CBT may correct severe behavior problems in individuals with past trauma experiences (Dorsey, Briggs, & Woods, 2011; Watkins, Sprang, & Rothbaum, 2018). Leveraging virtue, mindfulness or concentration, and wisdom– the three pillars of Buddhist practice– can assist with rewiring the brain. Three fundamental functions of the brain– learning, regulation, and selection–reinforce mindfulness, virtue, and wisdom (Hanson, 2009). Enhancing control, selection, and learning can help rewire the brain by facilitating the development of virtue, concentration, and wisdom (Hanson, 2009). Moreover, social support can aid individuals in rewiring their brains via adaptation–trauma is a variation in brain structure and functioning (Van der Kolk). In this respect, social support assists individuals in developing a sense of community and strong affiliations with their feelings and sensations (Van der Kolk, 2015). Eventually, social support can facilitate the rewiring of a traumatized brain.

Author(s): Wendy Burton Corrales

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