ISSN : 2347-5447

British Biomedical Bulletin


Gastrointestinal Adaptations and Genomic Activities in Dairy Cattle During Lactation

Dairy cattle are central to global agriculture, producing high-quality milk and dairy products essential for human nutrition and agribusiness sustainability. The ongoing enhancement of traits related to milk production remains a cornerstone of modern dairy farming. Advanced genetic technologies, including genomic selection and gene-editing tools, have become pivotal in achieving these goals. By analyzing genomic data, these innovations enable the identification and propagation of desirable traits, driving improvements in milk yield, quality and overall productivity.

Lactation, the biological process of milk production, places extraordinary nutritional and energetic demands on dairy cattle. Modern high-yielding dairy cows often require energy intake four to five times greater than their baseline maintenance needs during lactation. This heightened demand triggers significant physiological adaptations, particularly in the Gastrointestinal (GI) tract. These adaptations include increased surface area for nutrient absorption, enhanced enzyme activity and changes in microbial populations within the rumen to optimize digestion and nutrient extraction from feed.

The efficient functioning of the GI tract is vital to meeting the energy and nutrient demands of lactation. Strategies to support these demands include tailored nutritional plans, feed additives and management practices that promote gut health and function. By combining genetic advancements with optimized feeding strategies, dairy farmers can enhance milk production while ensuring animal health and welfare.

The integration of innovative technologies and physiological insights underscores the dynamic nature of modern dairy farming, ensuring its role in global food security and economic development.

Author(s): John Ransom

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