
Fever is not a symptom in covid-19 None of the diseases require fever as its symptom

Keywords. Symptom Definition, Signals Definition, Symptoms of fever, symptoms of rising temperature We have been hearing for centuries that ‘fever is not a disease but a symptom’. Physicians say that fever is a symptom of diseases like flu to cancer. The conservative fever definition, diagnosis, and treatments are based on fever as a symptom. All the studies related to fever as a symptom of a disease have been done without knowing the Purpose of the temperature of fever is. Without knowing the Purpose of the temperature of fever, how can fever included in the symptom definition? Temperature between 38o to 41o centigrade can be symptom of a disease? Most of the diseases may not have a fever. Sometimes it disappears. Then, is fever a symptom of which disease? Symptom Definition is the only parameter necessary for a Symptom. As with any or all other definitions, symptom definition should describe the symptom scientifically. If it cannot describe clearly, there is no use of a symptom definition. A symptom is a departure from normal function or feeling which is noticed only by a patient, indicating the presence of disease or abnormality. One cannot be understood directly the temperature is elevated in the hypothalamus.

Author(s): Dr. K. M. Yacob

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