
Exploring ayurvedic antiviral herbs with special reference to COVID-19

Since last two years, the world is battling with an outbreak of the coronavirus infection (COVID 19), and its economic impact on the world is more severe than that from SARS in 2003. Coronaviruses which are enveloped viruses with positive single-stranded RNA genome. Although we find a solution in form of vaccine but the emergence of mutant and virulent strains will pose additional difficult problems. Providing effective treatment to masses in a pandemic situation will be challenging for developing and underdeveloped countries. Considering the current situation alternative and complementary medicine based on traditional herbs offers plenty of options to help patients. Medicinal herbs possess various biological activity like immune-boosting, anti inflammatory , antiviral and anti oxidative properties which can be successfully applied for managing current COVID-19 pandemic. Nutrition coupled with medicinal herbs provide a possibility to control viral infections.

The robust immune system is vital for fighting COVID -19 infection. Recent studies show improving nutrition helps enhance immune function. Herbal medicine, along with good nutrition, would be useful faster recovery. Currently, many new polyherbal formulations are emerging, which are undergoing clinical trials for COVID-19 infections. Every culture has a rich knowledge of traditional medicinal herbs which are being used since ages. There are several herbal formulations which are used traditionally for the prevention and management of the respiratory viral diseases . It’s a high time to take a more in-depth look and investigate using scientific technology for the potential drug development from the herbal sources.

Author(s): Dr. Sunita Singh

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