
E-waste EPR programs at a glance European overview, state of the art schemes and experience sharing

The European Union decided t develop EPR programs into its policies during the 90’s. Nowadays, E-waste (so called Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment), waste batteries and accumulators, as well as waste packaging are managed under Extended Producer Responsibility Principles in many countries. Such initiatives paved the way for further development and are now mature enough to provide feedback and best practices examples for those countries or regions willing to set or develop similar programs and adapt to their economic and industrial context.

The aim of our presentation, will be to present overviews of EPR policies, the Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO’s or PRS) or Schemes concepts and finally the interest and stakes for stakeholders: authorities, ministries, producers, distributors and retailers, consumers, businesses etc. WEEE logic is an International Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) Hub and provides compliance and recycling hub coordination services to responsible producers. Based on its expertise and network of PROs, it has the capacity to provide insight and core experience sharing for authorities and relative stakeholders

Author(s): Romain Letenneur

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