
Evaluation of Phytochemical Compounds and Invitro Antioxidant Properties of Ethanol Extract of Morinda Lucida Leaves

Plants are known to contain phytochemicals of pharmacological relevance and as such have been utilized in the treatment and management of various diseases, Morinda lucida is one of these plants as it has been reportedly used in the traditional treatment and management of diseases. This study is aimed at identifying compounds with pharmacological relevance in the ethanol extract of Morinda lucida leaves and its antioxidant activity. The leaves of Morinda lucida was extracted with ethanol; phytochemical analysis, GCMS and in vitro antioxidant activity were carried out. It was observed in the study that the extract contains alkaloids, quinines, quinones, flavonoids and tannins. The GCMS analysis identified phenol, 2, 4-bis (1,1-dimethylethyl) (2.82%), Stilbenes (12.32%), Phenoxazine (2.60%) and Benz(cd) indol-2(1H)-one, 1-methyl- (2.60%) amongst other compounds in the extract. The in vitro antioxidant activity evaluation of the extract revealed it possess a significant antioxidant activity which increased with increasing concentration. This study shows Morinda lucida possess enormous pharmacological potentials as it contains phytochemicals of pharmacological relevance.

Author(s): Idih FM1*, Alagbe OV2 , Sheneni VD3 , Ebune J1

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