
Euro Clinical Pediatrics 2020: Characteristics of Asthma in patients with associated obesity - Anthony Lorenzo Bobea Mota - Docente University of Centro

Statement of the Problem: Asthma and obesity are two disorders of great impact on public health that have increased their prevalence in recent years. Numerous studies have linked both entities. In spite of this, in Cuba, the characteristics of asthma associated with obesity in our children are not know. A descriptive, cross-sectional study of 43 cases was performed in patients between 5 and 18 years of age with diagnosis of asthma and exogenous obesity attended in the pneumology service of the Hospital Pediátrico Docente de Centro Habana (HPDCH) in the period January 2017 to December 2018, with the objective of characterizing asthmatic patients with exogenous obesity associated. The predominant age group was 5 to 9 years old, the average age was 11.7 years with a standard deviation of 4.21, there was a predominance of females, we observed predominance of asthma as the initial diagnosis, most of the patients presented a family history of asthma and obesity, mild persistent asthma predominated as well as poor control, there was dyslipidemia and carbohydrate disorders in the patients studied.


Asthma prevalence

Asthma is classically described as reversible irritation of aviation routes, described by intermittent assaults of brevity of breath, hack, and wheeze, influencing individuals everything being equal. While aviation route hindrance and bronchial hyper-responsiveness are commonly connected with asthma, these side effects are pathologically identified with different elements, for example, atopy, heftiness, reflux, stressors, and obstructive rest apnea. Asthma commonness is expanding around the world, influencing more than 300 million individuals. Over the period 1980–1996, asthma commonness expanded among all ages, sexes, and racial gatherings, particularly in progressively urbanized countries, for example, the US. Presently, 24.6 million individuals living in the US have been diagnosed to have asthma.

Disparities in asthma

In spite of the fact that asthma influences individuals everything being equal, it excessively influences youngsters. At present, in the US, more than 10 million youngsters and teenagers have been determined to have asthma, making it the main ceaseless youth sickness. Since 1999, kids 5–17 years old have exhibited the most elevated commonness rates with 109.3 per 1000 determined to have asthma, contrasted and 76.8 per 1000 in those more than 18 years old.

Stamped variations in asthma results exist for helpless populaces, for example, low pay, Hispanic, and African American populaces. Critical racial disparities exist, particularly in progressively industrialized nations with the most noteworthy quantities of asthma commonness. For instance, in the US, asthma pervasiveness is 43% higher for non-Hispanic blacks contrasted and non-Hispanic whites.

Children with obesity are at expanded hazard for creating asthma, which is as of now one of the most well-known ceaseless ailments among kids. The reason fundamental weight's effect on asthma chance is obscure. Usually refered to potential etiologies incorporate aviation route smooth muscle brokenness from thoracic limitation, heftiness related flowing irritation taking action, and corpulence related comorbidities intervening asthma indication advancement. Every one of these hypotheses doesn't fit definitely with the entirety of the information that have amassed in the course of the most recent decade. In this survey, I will investigate other potential causes including: (1) dietary attributes normal in Westernized nations that may prompt both corpulence and asthma; (2) decreases in physical action; and (3) hereditary changes that expansion the inclination to both stoutness and asthma together. Next, I will survey the present information on how heftiness influences regular attributes of asthma, for example, aviation route aggravation, lung work, danger of fuel, atopy, and reaction to treatment. Weight in youngsters with asthma gives off an impression of being related with more prominent wind current deterrent and a somewhat decreased reaction to breathed in corticosteroids. Minimal target proof in youngsters proposes that corpulence essentially uplifts the danger of compounding or intensifies illness security in kids. Finally, I will talk about the present writing that proposes that corpulent kids with asthma by and large ought to get similar rules based administration as lean youngsters. Notwithstanding, mediations that support day by day physical action, weight reduction, standardization of supplement levels, and checking of regular stoutness related sequelae ought to be considered by social insurance suppliers overseeing hefty youngsters with hard to-control asthma.

This relationship among asthma and obesity has additionally been duplicated in the pediatric population. A cross-sectional investigation utilizing information from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1988–1994 demonstrated that one of the most elevated hazard bunches for creating asthma were kids beyond 10 a years old a BMI more prominent than or equivalent to the 85th percentile.35 An European report found that weight among kids 4–11 years old was related with asthma paying little mind to ethnicity, particularly among girls.36 Findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, which followed in excess of 4000 sans asthma kids for a long time, found a BMI at or more prominent than the 85th percentile at age 2–3 years was a hazard factor for resulting asthma advancement in young men

Note: This work is partially presented at 16th European Congress on Clinical Pediatrics and Child Care during November 12-13, 2020 Budapest, Hungary.


Author(s): Anthony Lorenzo Bobea Mota

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