Ethnomedicinal and pharmacognostical studies on leaves of
Toddalia asiatica L.
Toddalia asiatica L. belongs to family Rutacee and commonly called as Jungli Mirachi. Toddalia asiatica grows in
tropical and sub-tropical regions of India and used for variety of purposes in traditional medicine. Ethnomedicinal
information was collected from local rural practitioners in villages of Kolhapur district of Maharashtra,India. The
present investigation deals with macroscopic and microscopic characters of leaves, analysis of ash, dry matter and
moisture content. The leaves of Toddalia asiatica are trifoliate, leaflets oblong, elliptic, crenulate and gland dotted.
Locally leaves are used for the treatment of abdominal pains, malaria and to stimulate appetite. The leaves of
Toddalia asiatica were extracted with different solvents and screened for their phytochemical constituents.
Phytochemical tests revealed the presence of alkaloids, phenols, coumarins and reducing sugars. The behaviour of
the powder drug with different chemical reagents and its fluorescence analysis are also observed. Macro and
microsopical character will be helpful for correct botanical identification of the drug. In addition ash value,
moisture content, dry matter, results of powder behaviour and fluorescence analysis and phytochemical data will be
helpful for the standardization and quality control of precious indigenous drug. The study scientifically validates
the use of plant in traditional medicine.
Author(s): Arun V. Patil, Varsha D. Jadhav(Rathod) and Poonam C. Patil
Abstract |
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