ISSN : 2347-5447

British Biomedical Bulletin


Enzyme based Biosensor

In short, generate a bio captor who is a detection device that combines several technologies such as molecular biology, microelectronics, information and information. The association of manure integrates a biological element (enzyme, anticorps, cellulose or animal, DNA fragment, lipids ...) and a physical transducer (electrode, fiber optic, quartz piezoelectric ...). Cite association permit lettuce des substances susceptibles interagi avec l'élément biologique. Biological capteurs ont connu a considerable development in raison de leur simplicity, reliability, rapidity and selectivity. Ils ont constitute the most suitable alternatives for the analytical methods classiques dans des domaines also varies that the agro-alimentary, the medicine and the clinical biology, or the control of the qualité de l’environnement. Dans ce travail nous somme interest in the conception and realization of an ampérométrique électrochimique multi-parametre biocapteur. This device allows you to measure the variation of the courant suite in a chimique reaction. The induction of a reaction of oxidation and the displacement of electrons, generates an electrical courant that corresponds to a concentration.

Author(s): Mariem Ayari

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