
Efficacy of Makaradhwaja on Madhumeha (Type2 Diabetes) – A Review through Ayurvedic Studies

Makaradhwaja is a herbo-metalo-mineral formulation mainly composed of gold, mercury and sulphur. It is a renowned rejuvenating, immuno-modulator and aphrodisiac formulation being used in many disorders viz. asthma, Koch’s disease, hyperpyrexia and diabetes mellitus (DM). DM is a rising threat to global health as it involves multisystem pathologies, complex metabolic aberrations and varied clinical manifestations. Among all available studies on Makaradhwaja only three clinical and experimental works has been found conducted till date proving its efficacy on Madhumeha. Present study has been planned to compile these studies to revalidate the efficacy of Makaradhwaja in DM. Both TBM (Makaradhwaja prepared by processing the mercury with three times sulphur) and SBM (Makaradhwaja prepared by processing the mercury with six times sulphur) showed promising results in treatment of DM, where SBM shown comparatively better results.

Author(s): Vaibhav Charde, Rohit Sharma, Patgiri BJ and Prajapati PK

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