
Effect of silicon application on soil properties and minerals content under drought stress

Drought is the most significant abiotic factor that limits
growth, harms growth and crop production. Silicon is the
second element mineral and it has shown to improve soil
properties under stress conditions. This study shows the
effect of silicon application under normal conditions, and
different levels of drought stress (75%, 50%, and 25%
FC) on soil physical and chemical properties in addition
to menials availability. The results of the study indicated
that, the concentration of soil mineral elements (P, K,
Ca, Mg, and Fe) increased due to Si treatment. However,
this induction in minerals concentration was more pronounced
at higher water levels (100%, 75% FC) in case
of K, Ca and Fe. While, the enhancement in P and Mg
concentration after Si treatment was mach remarkable
under higher stress conditions (50%, 25% FC).

Author(s): Amal Ahmed Mohammed Al-Ghamdi and Arwa M. Ashram

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