
Digital and Virtual Healthcare during Pandemic: Changing Trends in Healthcare 2020

The COVID pandemic has impacted health as well healthcare globally. The restrictions due to lockdown and social distancing, the fear of exposure and infection, lack of adequate protective gear for all strata of society, and diversion of resources, attention and priorities towards the pandemic, has caused a significant concern in the realm of chronic health monitoring and treatment, as well as routine health consultation. This has particularly been seen in developing nations with huge burden of COVID cases and a relative limitation of health facilities. Exploring Digital and Virtual Healthcare as a key methodology and facility to maintain the health and wellness of the population, can be the most viable and beneficial way to go. It can tackle the two glaring issues of limiting exposure and infection during a pandemic, as well as increasing access to routine healthcare, and monitoring of existing and chronic diseases. Digital and Virtual Healthcare has a 5 fold advantage of (a) cutting commuting time, inconvenience and cost to the patient, (b) avoiding waiting time and exposure to other patients at the Doctor’s chamber, (c) getting structured information and guidance (d) effective maintenance of records enabling data analytics to study trends, and formulate treatments and policies (e) empowers patients, and improve their active participation and attitude towards disease management.

Author(s): Varsha Narayanan

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