
Developing intranasal inhalation therapies for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious disease of the respiratory system

Developing intranasal/inhalation therapies for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious disorders of the pulmonary system Disorders affecting the respiratory system including allergies, asthma, and upper respiratory infections are a major course of morbidity and mortality in the US. For years it has been accepted that dysregulation of the nasal alternating turgescence of the inferior turbinates may lead to the development of respiratory disorders. Intranasal therapies seem to provide a great means to deliver treatments to regulate the nasal cycles as well as modulate the mucosal microbiome. In a from molecules to population fashion, the present seminar explores the development of intranasal therapies using candidate substances displaying, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and microbiome modulating effects. The overarching goal of this research agenda is to develop effective interventions to improve the quality of life of those suffering from Pulmonary Disorders.

Author(s): Marcos A. Sanchez-Gonzalez

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