
Determination of mineral levels in various seeds used as foodstuff in Mangalore Region, Karnataka, India

Minerals play a vital role in human body, aiding in cellular body processes from rebuilding tissue to maintaining ion gradients. Source of minerals for humans is through diet. Hence this report presents a comparative study of the determination of calcium, potassium and sodium in a wide variety of seeds used as foodstuff in Mangalore region, Karnataka, India. In the present study it is found that, Calcium is most abundant in Cardamom seed (142.62mg/100g), Potassium in Soya bean (1072.17mg/100g) and Sodium in Cardamom seed (25.41mg/100g). The results showed that the all seeds have safe and adequate dietary nutrients if consumed in right proportion. Present work to determine mineral is based on flame photometry and it is very simple, inexpensive and less time consuming.

Author(s): Harshith Rao, J. R. Smitha, T. Sathisha, G. B. Abhilasha and Seranthimata Samshuddin*

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