
Determinants of Antimicrobial Use towards Management and Control of Diarrhoea Diseases among Under-Five Children in Zomba, Malawi

Diarrhoea is one of the furthermost general infections that under-five children suffer throughout the world. Infectious diseases (including diarrhoea) are a leading cause of illness and death throughout the world. The vast diversity of microbes joint with their capacity to advance and adapt to altering surroundings, populations, practices and technologies produce enduring threats to health and frequently encounters researcher’s noble efforts of preventing and controlling infectious diseases. Since children are still developing immunological system and poor sense of hygiene among the parents, these children are prone to many infections, the commonest among them being diarrhoea and ARI. Despite the fact that appropriate treatment of diarrhoea is simple and can be done at home, seeking care from appropriate providers outside the home is commendable because detrimental practices founded on misconceptions and beliefs are prevalent, especially in developing countries where mortality due to diarrhoea is high. Antibiotics remains one of the common measures used to treat the infection, which has led to increased usage; nevertheless, the extent to which an individual is prompted to use antibiotics in handling diarrhoea in the Malawian setting is unknown. This study was aimed at establishing the factors that prompt caregivers to use antibiotics in treating childhood diarrhoea.

Author(s): Dieckens Binali, Fanuel Lampiao and Janelisa Musaya

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