ISSN : 2634-7814
Theobroma cacao tree parts (leave, stem bark, root bark, pulp, bean, and bean coat) were dried and grinded to fine particle size of 75 µm mesh size. Each of these samples was dissolved in five different solvents (aqueous, methanol, ethanoic acid, petroleum ether and ethanol). The extract obtained was phytochemicals screened using standard procedure for the presence of flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids and saponins. The results revealed the presence of the phytochemicals in the order alkaloids>tannins>flavonoids>saponins. The distribution was stem bark>pulp; root>bean; root bark; leaves>bean coat for alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids and saponins respectively.
In conclusion, Theobroma cacao parts (leaf, bean coat, bean, pulp, root and stem barks) and other agricultural run-off that are mostly under-utilized and discarded as wastes can be found useful and applicable in pharmaceutical industry and may bring high reduction on expenditure on the purchase of related compounds used in pharmacognosy from foreign lands and also help in waste management and control.