
Designing a dashboard for sales enhancement using KPI's

Due to rapid change and competition in retail market it is essential to have proper information management. Business Intelligence, retail have tools to turn huge amount of information which they acquire into useful and actionable knowledge. The need of tools for retailers at their disposal to operate efficiently and increase their revenue is important. Business Intelligence contain a different set of theories, architectures and technologies, of which a great volume of data, the historical data, is synthesized into information such as key performance indicators. This information is presented in many forms such as reports, charts or tables. The current Business Intelligence solutions provide wide range of reports for company management, one of which is the dashboard. KPIs play an important role in designing the dashboard. The paper presents the sales enhancement dashboard which provides better user experience by enhancing cross sell and upsell.

Author(s): Ashwini G S, Manjuprasad B, Sarath B Sribhasyam

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