
Degenerative Myopia Progression: Case Report and Review

Background: Degenerative myopia or pathological myopia is a rare subtype of high myopia, which affects about 2% of the general population. It is characterized by a progressive expansion of the eyeball without stabilization of the axial length in adulthood, causing a progressive degeneration that is often associated with retinal changes that can cause severe and irreversible visual impairment. This article aims to report the evolution of the pathological findings in the fundoscopic exam in a 33-year-old woman with degenerative myopia. that has progressed within two years with decreasing visual acuity and the appearance of lacquer cracks in both eyes.
Methods and Findings: Data were collected through the analysis of a patient’s medical history at Hospital São Rafael and Hospital Professor Edgar Santos.
Conclusions: Within two years, it was observed decreased visual acuity, as well as appearance and worsening of some evidence of progression of the disease such as lacquer cracks and subretinal hemorrhage.

Author(s): Guilherme Macedo Souza, Cecilia Oliveira Santos, Ricardo Luz Leitao Guerra, Roberto Lorens Marback and Otacilio de Oliveira Maia Jr.

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