This study evaluates the correlation between hearing impairment and Osteoarthritis Both sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) and conductive hearing loss have been reported in Rheumatoid arthritis but its association in osteoarthritis has not been established or published. Observational Patient based evaluation by a clinical pro forma. Total no of patients =106,Male:41,Female,Average age :66(31-89),Osteoarthritis:96,Rheumatoid Arthritis:10,Joints affected with Osteoarthritis Shoulder:33,Elbow:4, Hip:35, Knee:8, Ankle:5, Total hip replacement:23, Total Knee replacement:19, On waiting list:20, Other Factors: Family history of hearing loss:8, Congenital hearing loss:2, Meniere disease:0, Neurological disease:3, Patient on long-term aspirin:11, Hx of surgery in: <1yr 01, Head Injury: 2, Noisy work environment:7, Neck pain:14, Hearing loss, Total no. of patient:106, Rheumatoid Arthritis:10 , Osteoarthritis: 96, Pts. with Hearing loss:31, Osteoarthritis Patients:29, Rheumatoid arthritis Patients:2. According to this study every 1 in 3 patients with osteoarthritis is having some degree of hearing loss and every one in five with Rheumatoid arthritis. of lower limb used One for femur and one for tibial cut.Intramedullary canal not breached in any case.Patella not resurfaced in any case. Vanguard ROCC Biomet TKR cemented prosthesis used..Same thromboprophylaxis in both groups Dabigatran 150 0r 220mg as per BNF.All patients also had Vanguard ROCC Biomet cemented TKR.Intramedullary alignment cutting jig for femur and tibia i.e. femoral and tibial canal breached.Femoral cement plug was used to seal medullary canal before cementing the prosthesis. Patella not resurfaced in any case. Same thromboprophylaxis in both groups Dabigatran 150 0r 220mg as per BNF
Research Journal of Nervous System received 8 citations as per Google Scholar report