
Correlation Between Black Soybean (Glycine Max L.) Genotypes with Harvesting Time on Seeds Acceleration Ageing and Electric Conductivity in Two Seasons

This study aimed to correlate between nine black soybean genotypes and three harvesting time on seeds acceleration ageing and electric conductivity in two seasons in UNPAD university top farm with split plot design. The parameters were measure seeds acceleration ageing, seeds germination and electric conductivity. The results showed in wet and dry seasons significant different between genotypes. After acceleration aging where high germination in wet season was KA3 94.00% and low was KA2 37.77%, in dry season where high germination was KH4 87.77 % and low was KA2 54, 88%.for three harvesting times the results revealed significant different in wet and dry season where high germination H2 80,37% and low was H3 68,22% in wet season and in dry season were high germination H1 76.59% and low was H356.74%. In wet and dry season electric conductivity at harvesting time and after storage 90 days the result showed that significant different between genotypes. In three harvesting times in wet and dry season at harvesting time and after storage 90 days storage the results revealed no significant different.

Author(s): Omer A. Mohamed*, Mohammed A. Mohammed Ali, Kamal Eldin E. M.A.Taha

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