ISSN : 2347-5447

British Biomedical Bulletin


Coronavirus: A Global Pandemic

Coronavirus is recently discovered virus which is responsible for causing infectious coronavirus disease (COVID-19). It was declared as a public health emergency on international level by WHO (World Health Organization) in January, 2020. It started from Wuhan, China as an outbreak of viral pneumonia and later on became a pandemic worldwide. The person-to-person transmission of virus led to the global pandemic and self isolation of people. Coronaviruses are usually responsible for causing diseases in vertebrates and humans. No way of destroying the virus has been found since its discovery. Its global spread has caused thousands of deaths. The disease has caused a major impact on economy, education system and physical and mental health. The current short review summarizes the available knowledge about pandemic, morphology and characteristics of coronavirus, diagnosis, drugs being used for treatment and current vaccine trials. Currently, no vaccine is available against the virus. The only interventions being used nowadays is the social distancing and keeping ourselves clean to prevent getting contracted with virus. The governments, health organizations and scientific communities are working their best to find a vaccine and cure to fight with coronavirus. Several vaccine trials have started and succeeding so far. We need to learn more about the virus so that we can respond better and find its cure.


Author(s): Deepshikha1, Arzoo2, Shagun3

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