
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) and Cancer: A descriptive analysis to fill the healthcare gap.

In recent years, the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) approaches have emerged as a new area of evaluation in oncology research and treatment due to its reliable therapeutic results. From 9 to 91 % of Cancer patients use Complementary and Alternative medicine therapies during their treatment trails since they are diagnosed with cancer, as per the recent survey. Various program and the research initiative has been started by The National Cancer Institute (NCI) to facilitate and promote the evaluation of these alternative therapies for cancer treatment. There is a need to bring the evidence-based medicine into clinical practice to strengthen the CAM approaches worldwide through research and clinical trials.  The clinical and therapeutic experience with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Aromatherapy, Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Mind-body strategies, body manipulation, shows promising results but there is a need of more proper significant research for it widely adaptation. This presentation will discuss the programs relevant to supporting research agenda and research training in integrative oncology treatment to ensure its efficacy, safety and their role in improving the health of the patient while strengthening our healthcare services

Author(s): Mohd Faizan Siddiqui

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