Comparative in vitro evaluation of commercially available rabeprazole tablets
The main aim of present investigation was to study some physico-chemical properties( thickness ,hardness, weight
variation, friability and disintegration) and in vitro dissolution of most commercially available formulations of
rebeprazole (encoded with RPZ-1, RPZ-2,RPZ-3) in Bangladesh and two multinational companies(encoded with
RPZ-4 & RPZ-5).All the brands were within the pharmacopoeial limit when tested for thickness, weight variation,
hardness, friability and disintegration.However, RPZ-3 showed the fastest disintegration. Moreover, the comparison
of percentage drug release of these companies on the basis of dissolution study demonstrated that RPZ-2 (90 %
drug release) complied best while RPZ-4 (74.58% drug release) does not comply with above specification.
Author(s): Most. Umme Bushra, Farjana Rahman, Md. Aftab Saleh Aziz and Mohammad Morsadul Islam
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