
Challenges of practice community base comprehensive palliative care in Sri Lanka due to Covid-19 a social work approach

Every patient gets fundamental right to receive good quality of care at the place where he/she lives. Home is a place of memories, familiarity and safety, a place where we remain comfortable, relaxed and confident and the best place for freedom of choice and autonomy. Unfortunately, it has become doubt due to Covid-19 pandemic situation. Unexpected lockdown increase level of stress among not only aged, but also general public (figure-1). Myths and media created anxiety among this vulnerable person. When lockdown period palliative care volunteer or front-line health care providers are not getting permission to express empathy and acknowledge emotions with patients and their families. They also surface level victims of Covid-19. The palliative care social worker is playing a vital role in Community Base comprehensive palliative care setting. He is a driven energy to the unit. Most of the patient spending their quality of days with the support of CBCPC. Lockdown has closed all doors with all supportive mechanism in Sri Lanka. First week of lockdown palliative care social workers received many calls from the patient and caregivers. It was a huge challenge. No access to the house. Form a help desk for receiving a call to hear them and empower through the empathy. Develop healthy relationship with forces and front-line health care providers to deliver essential services in their doorsteps. Arrange a facilitator to support when they need to link with palliative care doctors and other health workers. A group of volunteers gets involved to create awareness and educate the patient, family and the general public through the social and other media platform. This strategy makes them to cope with the specific challengeable situation like Covid-19.

Author(s): Thahir Noorul Isra

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