
Chakras Energy Deficiency as One of the Cause of Menopause Symptoms in Women

Statement of the problem: Menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, and brain fog are considered common for women over 50. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) recognizes menopause as part of the natural aging process and is often caused by Kidney Yin Deficiency.

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that menopause symptoms have energy alteration associated with it, and that the correction of these energy alterations may be effective for the alleviation of symptoms, with no hormone replacement needed.

Methods: Through three cases reports. The first patient is M.G.B, 46 years old, woman, divorced, with a child. Symptoms: Low libido, fatigue, hair loss, irritability and dull skin. The second is A.N.T, 69, woman. The patient is diabetic, overweight and has hypertension. Symptoms: Excessive sweating during the day and night, hot flashes, irritability, vaginal dryness and pain during intercourse. When looking for a gynaecologist, hormone replacement treatment was recommended. The third case is M.S., 58 years old. Symptoms: Hot flashes, fatigue and night sweats. Two years ago, she was recommended the use of hormone treatments. After two years with the use of hormones, mammography detected a malignant carcinoma, diagnosed by biopsy and a bilateral mastectomy was recommended in March 2020. The three patients went through the chakras energy meridian measurement through radiesthesia procedure. The treatment was carried out with Chinese dietary counselling; auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting; homeopathy medications according to the theory created by the author Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, and crystal-based medications.

Results: All three patients’ perceived improvement with the symptoms of hot flashes, excessive sweating and irritability with the treatment proposed. The hormones were suspended on the second and third patients. Conclusion: The treatment proposed using Chinese dietary counselling, acupuncture and chakras energy replenishment using high-diluted medication is another option to reduce symptoms associated with menopause.

Author(s): Huang Wei Ling

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