
Chakrasâ?? energy deficiencies as the cause of osteoporosis

Introduction: Primary osteoporosis is related to the aging process in conjunction with decreasing sex hormones. The bones have deterioration in microarchitecture leading to loss of bone mineral density and increased risk of a fracture. Other diseases or their treatments cause secondary osteoporosis. The immune system is an important regulator of bone turnover. Some studies point out that energy and immune system are correlated and the lack of one can influence the other. Purpose: To demonstrate that patients with osteoporosis have chakra´s energies deficiencies and the treatment of these lack of energy is important to correct the root of the problem and not just treating the symptoms. Methods: Two case reports of two women with history of osteoporosis diagnosis through bone densitometry were in treatment of low back pain. It was suggested to perform the chakra´s energy meridian measurement thought radiesthesia procedure. Results: All their chakra´s were in the lowest level of energy (rated 1 out of 8) with exception of the seventh that was normal. Conclusion: Patients with osteoporosis have chakra´s energy deficiencies and the corrections of these energies deficiencies is important to treat the osteoporosis in the root level and not the symptoms.

Author(s): Huang Wei Ling

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