
Chakras Energies Deficiencies in Patient with Congestive Heart Failure

Introduction: Congestive Heart failure (CHF) is a complicated syndrome characterized by the inability of the heart to bomb adequate amount of blood to reach the necessity of each organ and system that compose the body. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), CHF can be due to deficiency of Yang, Qi, Blood stasis, Yin deficiency, retention of water and Phlegm. Purpose: to demonstrate that patients with CHF have chakras’ energies deficiencies and the replenishment of these deficiencies leads to the improvement of the function of the Heart. Methods: through one case report: 82 years-old women with Alzheimer´s disease with history of congestive heart failure since 8 years ago, in use of medications to control the function of the heart, antihypertensive and antidepressant medications. The family began to take her to acupuncture sessions to try another way of treatment of her depression and Alzheimer’s disease. The doctor did the radiesthesia procedure to evaluate the degree of her energy deficiency and discovered that all her chakras’ energies centers (Heart, Spleen, Lung, Kidney, Liver) were in the minimum level, with exception of the seventh that was normal. Treatment started with Chinese dietary counselling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and replenishment of the chakras’ energies centers with highly diluted medications such as homeopathies according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (CHFETCM) and crystal-based medications. Results: after the first acupuncture session and the beginning of the use of medications (homeopathies and crystals), the patient improved very quickly of her dyspnea and her purpleness on the fingertips and lips disappeared completely after beginning of the treatment. Conclusion; the conclusion of this study is that patients with congestive heart failure have energies deficiencies and also in the chakras’ energies centers and the treatment correcting the energies disturbances using Chinese dietary counselling, auricular acupuncture and apex ear bloodletting and replenishing the chakras’ energies centers using homeopathies medications according to the theory CHFETCM and crystal-based medications are very important tools in the treatment of this CHF in the energy point of view and not the patients symptoms.

Author(s): Huang Wei Ling

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