
Biochemistry and its application in the discovery and development of a new drug.

Biochemistry is the science that studiesthe chemistry of living beings. Biochemistry is the science that encompasses the study and understanding of the entire process of life itself at the molecular level, how the conditions inside living beings that allow their existence in a highly hostile environmental environment occur, without altering its functionality or the course of the life cycle of the living being that we are referring to. There are two ways or ways to approach the search for research products: From the biological perspective defines the therapeutic objective, that is, the organ, tissue, apparatus or system involved in the development of the pathology to be treated and look for research products that alter its function and from the chemical perspective: It consists of testing a group of molecules that are previously available in each model of the disease and evaluating each of them their effect on the development of the same. Clinical phase is the stage which refers to the experimental design in which one or morehuman subjects receive a research product for the purpose of determining the safety and efficacy of a diagnosis, therapeutic or preventive use in humans. Without biochemistry, it is not possible to understand how research products, potential drugs, are able to produce the therapeutic effects or their behavior in the metabolism of each organism, in this case, of thehuman being, to achieve a state of health in balance and prolongation of the quality of life.

Author(s): Jose-Luis Torres-Cuadros

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