
Application proposal for mobile devices that encourages awareness about waste recycling

This article analyzes the problem of solid urban waste. A review of references regarding solutions in the international arena is made. Methodologically, an application for mobile devices is proposed, based on a list of requirements and a flow chart that shows how this application would work. A simulation was performed for generic Android devices. This application seeks to encourage citizens to actively participate in recycling and waste reuse processes through dynamics of challenges and incentives through awards attending to the missionary tasks of companies regarding their environmental responsibility. The estimation of results shows that with the proposed application, waste can be reduced by a high percentage.
Brahian Stiv Sanchez Giraldo is currently studying (2019) ninth semester of mechatronic engineering. He is 21 years old and studies at the ECCI University in the city of Bogotá, Colombia.Natalia Garavito Barreto is currently studying (2019) ninth semester of mechatronic engineering. She is 21 years old and studies at the ECCI University in the city of Bogotá, Colombia.Luis Alejandro Arias Barragan is a professor at ecci university, he has a doctorate in the energy area. He is a graduate of the Kharkov-Ukraine State Polytechnic University.

Author(s): Natalia Garavito Barreto, Brahian Stiv Sánchez Giraldo and Luis Alejandro Arias Barragan. ECCI University, Bogota , Colombia

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