ISSN : 2634-7814
The use of alcohol, drugs, or other pharmacological drugs prior to polygraph testing is specifically practiced to distort test results. Background Urine or blood tests for chemical compounds may be used to detect dissimulation, but these methods are very expensive and time-consuming. An alternative is the R. Voll ElectroPoint Screening Test method. We used the R. Voll electropoint diagnostic method for screening testing and identifying drug users. Results In the study, we used the «Elena» device. The method is based on R. Voll electropuncture diagnostics, which is allowed for use. Created electronic homeopathic analogues of narcotic substances (markers) in various dilutions (potencies), which not only solved the problem of diagnosis, but also to determine the approximate time of use of these substances. We expand the scale of the measuring scale to 80 conventional units, regardless of the initial measured level of the current point found for electropoint diagnostics on R. Voll. After that, a test drug is injected into the measuring circuit, which marks the presence or absence of the investigated fact of drug use, and repeated measurement by pumping. If the value obtained on the scale of the device is less than 80 conventional units, then the test is considered positive ("yes", it was the use of narcotic substance), if it returns to the initial level - negative ("no", there was no fact of use of narcotic substance). The list of drugs in the electronic selector consisted of narcotic and toxic substances.