ISSN : 0976 - 8688

Der Pharmacia Sinica


Anticancer activity of Tephrosia purpurea root extracts against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma (EAC) cells in swiss albino mice

The study aims to evaluate the anticancer properties of aqueous and ethanol extracts of Tephrosia purpurea (Linn) roots against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma (EAC) cell lines in Swiss albino mice. In case of EAC induced liquid tumor, after 24 hours of tumor inoculation, the extracts were administered daily for 14 days. On day 15 the mice were sacrificed for observation of antitumor activity. The effect of aqueous and ethanol extracts on the growth of transplantable murine tumor, lifespan of EAC bearing mice and simultaneous alterations in the hematological profile were estimated. The ethanol and aqueous extracts showed decrease in the tumor volume, tumor weight, viable cell count and increase in the mean survival time there by increasing the life span of EAC tumor bearing mice. Hematological profile was reverted to normal level in the extracts treated mice. From the present study the ethanol and aqueous extracts of Tephrosia purpurea roots exhibited the antitumor effect in a dose dependent manner comparable to that of standard drug, 5-Fluoro Uracil. Further the phytochemical investigations of aqueous and ethanol extracts revealed the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, phytosterols, phenolic compounds and tannins in ethanol extract and phytosterols and carbohydrates in aqueous extract. Hence the present investigation provides a scientific base to the ethno medicinal use of Tephrosia purpurea which is largely attributable to the additive or synergistic effect of their constituents.

Author(s): A. Muralidhar

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