
Annual Summit on Clinical Nutrition, Health and Fitness

We would like to express a great appreciation to all the plenary speakers and participants joined this international webinar, to make their deposit by their high quality presentations, exciting and interesting discussions at the unique atmosphere of this fruitful scientific meeting. Annual Summit on Clinical Nutrition, Health  and Fitness happened on August 24, 2020 was marked with multiple sessions, keynote presentations and panel discussions. We received copious involvement and response from young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented communities who made this Conference as one of the most successful events. The webinar started with the welcome and opening remarks of the conference host and the proceedings also went through interactive sessions and panel discussions headed by the moderator. We would like to take the privilege of felicitating the Organizing Committee, Keynote Speakers and all the speakers who supported for the grand success of this event. We would like to congratulate the awardees for their outstanding performance in the field of health and fitness and express our gratitude to all the attendees who put their efforts in presentations and sincerely wishes them success in future endeavors.

Author(s): Jyoti D Vora

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