
A systematic review on traditional uses, and the chemical structures and pharmacological properties of polysaccharides and phenolic compound

Prevalence of neuropsychiatric symptoms amongst people living with dementia in residential aged care is high. Their presence is associated with poorer quality of life for residents and higher burden of care for staff. Existing reviews have not focused on the evaluation of efficacy of non-pharmacological interventions in specific population settings (community vs. residential aged care). Two authors independently screened titles and abstracts, and assessed full-text reviews for eligibility. The quality of reviews was appraised with ‘AMSTAR-2: A Measurement tool to assess systematic reviews’. Narrative summaries grouped findings by intervention domains. Liquiritin can penetrate the blood-brain-barrier. Besides, liquiritin displays numerous pharmacological effects including anti-Alzheimer's disease, antidepressant, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular protection, antitussive, hepato protection, and skin protective effects. In addition, the novel preparations, new pharmacological effects, and cdusafty of liquiritin are also discussed in this review.From 1362 systematic reviews identified, 26 met the inclusion criteria. Of these, 10 focused on person tailored interventions, six on sensory stimulation interventions, three on environmental interventions, three on exercise interventions, and four on multiple intervention types. Quality ratings identified reviews to be of mostly moderate quality (73%). The majority or reviews reported positive results but not all were statistically significant. Tailored interventions that included music and social elements appeared to be most beneficial for depressive symptoms and mood.

Author(s): Moyra E. Mortby

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