ISSN : 2347-5447
Filarial infection are common in most tropical and subtropical regions of the world. According to WHO, 533million peoples are at the risk of Filariasis in which 21million have Filariasis symptoms of it and 27 million are micro filarial carriers1. In India Wucheria Bancrafti is main organism accounting for 98% filarial cases. In all reported cases lymphatic Filariasis is most common with few cases of Chyluria and rare case of Filarial Mono-articular Arthritis. Reporting a case of Filariasis with clinical manifestation of Chyluria associated with Mono-articular Arthritis2. Introduction:-lymphatic Filariasis caused by Wuchertia Bancrafti and Brugiamalayi is one of the major public health issue in Indian population2. Few ancient references are found in Ayurved in which disease symptoms, area where it is common and treatment is described(3-4). the most common presentation of lymphatic Filariasis is subclinical micro filarial, acute adenolymphangitis, hydrocele and chronic liver disease. Most cases in India are reported as chronic swelling of leg (elephantitis)5. Initially there is dilation of lymph vessel with subsequent inflammation and formation of nodular tissue with dilated lymphatic vessels. This lymphatic may rupture leading to direct lymph leakage causing Chyluria and Filarial Arthritis6.
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