
A New Vaginal Gel for Femalegenital Wellness and Disease Prevention: Rationale of a Multi-Herbal Derived Treatment on a High-Tech Pharmaceutical Perspective

The folk ethno-medicine describes some useful herbal remedies for vaginal hygiene, whose knowledge goes back to previous centuries; unfortunately, only few of them have been submitted to clinical trials and fulfilled the evidence-based medicine rules thus being successfully introduced into the routine use; as a matter of fact actually the consumer is quite sensitive to the message that historical natural active principles revisited by positive recent investigations can have a role in the disease prevention and treatment. Salvia, Melaleuca and Calendula have been selected by us among a certain number of natural compounds to be introduced in the formula of our vaginal gel, because their complementary properties synergize each other, achieving, altogether the best clinical results. The mechanism of actionof the 3 herbs extracts in combination, takes control of the vaginal surface integrity and mucosa restoration after mechanical, chemical or microbiological damage, especially through the well-known Calendula contributes to body defenses against external agents, has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and healing properties; Salvia expresses altogether a wide and selective control, supports the natural mechanism for body´s purification and promotes the toxin elimination; Melaleuca expresses altogether a wide and selective control of pathogenic microflora enclosing the often relapsing Candida albicans super-infections.

Author(s): Beniamino Palmieri, Maria Vadalà, Nicol Fornabaio and Carmen Laurino

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