
A New Approach to Prevent the DDOS Attack and XML Injection Attacks Using XSD Trace Handler in Web Service

Web management today plays a major role in developing Business-To-Business (B2B) and business-to-customer (B2C) applications. Web services protection is facing a major threat due to Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), XML Injection and Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks by injecting. Protection of Web sites Security is also at risk. It is therefore monumental that the sensitive Web Service is provided with substantial safety. Security components such as XML encryption, advanced marks and customer tokens are a key part of communication in the business process in web administrations. The attacker can use the situation and make administrative changes to hack the information secured via web management. The main objective is to provide a Safety System in Service- orientated Architecture for the prevention of XML attacks and DDoS. The research aims to develop a framework to detect and prevent attack on web service-based applications by XML-based distributed denial of service, DDoS, etc. A monitory of the source parameter that is performed is applied to prevent DDoS attacks by the historical traffic attack detection mechanism. The algorithm detects the user request number in a specific day and time. It also calculates the number of bytes saved by preventing a DDoS attack. If the number of requests from a single client is greater than the threshold value, the client IP is blocked and the incoming request IP from the client to the server is retained. It also serves to generate a Captcha to check whether the application is from a BOT, illegal user or a legally binding user. The user's IP address is blocked when an illegitimate user is identified. The application is then sent to the XML injection filter. In order to filter the incoming request, static and dynamic filtrations are used.

Author(s): Hasan Hashim, Alzighaibi AR

Abstract | Full-Text | PDF

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