TurnerSyndrome(TS),alsoknownas45,X,or45,X0,isainheritable condition in which a lady is incompletely or fully missing an X chromosome. Signs and symptoms vary among those affected. Frequently, a short and webbed neck, low-set cognizance, low hairline at the reverse of the neck, short elevation, and blown hands and bases are seen at birth. Generally, those affected don't develop menstrual ages and guts without hormone treatment and are unfit to have children without reproductive technology. Heart blights, diabetes, and low thyroid hormone do in the complaint more constantly than average. Utmost people with TS have normal intelligence; still, numerous have problems with spatial visualization that may be demanded in order to learn mathematics. Vision and hail problems also do more frequently than average
Reports in Endocrine Disorders: Open Access received 16 citations as per Google Scholar report