Information for Editors

Editorial Board Responsibilities

The Editorial Board of the iMedPub LTD journals comprise of Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board members. Editor-in-Chief remains the chairperson of the board, hence allowed to take the final decision in any regard. The formation of the Editorial Board is done through incorporating global experts with excellent academic track record and expertise in the respective journal subject. There is no restriction in the number of the Editorial Board members....Read More

Editorial workflow

Editorial or manuscript flow determines the overall process which each manuscript undergoes during the peer review process. The entire process of editorial workflow is maintained through online or electronic system. Online system such as Editor Manger System or Editorial Tracking System is being used for such purposes along with E-mail...Read More

Code of conduct

The Editor(s)-in-Chief should declare any financial, personal or other relationships that might constitute a conflict of interest with the Editorship of the journal. The Editor(s)-in-Chief should ensure that all articles accepted for publication have been assessed by an editor...Read More